Our Payment Methods


PayPal works like a digital wallet. With your email address and password, you can send and receive payments securely and conveniently online. PayPal is one of the most secure payment methods because you don’t have to enter any financial information when shopping.

SOFORT Überweisung

You can pay with a bank account that is activated for instant bank transfer, first select your country and then select the bank that will make the transfer. Just enter BIC, BLZ or the name of your bank.

Apple Pay

Pay easily with your Apple device.

Stripe (credit card)

Stripe is a software platform for online payment processing. Every year, Stripe processes billions in payments for innovative companies around the world.

Klarna Bill

Klarna offers you the most flexible way to pay later.


The most popular payment method in the Netherlands.

Please note that some payment providers may not be available for your country.
Klarna Bill is available for customers from Austria, Germany, Netherlands and Finland.
Apple Pay is available for Apple users. A list of supported countries can be found at https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207957.

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buy 2 pairs of socks and get a free gymbag with them.


Purchase 3 pairs of socks or more and get a free Gymbag and a free TD Shirt Basic with them.

*The amount will automatically be credited to your shopping cart. Not combinable with other actions.